We are lucky enough to have a specialist art teacher working in our custom built Art Room within the school. Phoebe Coulson has worked in Primary schools for 6 years, she is a real expert in Art teaching and has run her own successful Art Club, which has operated in a number of schools.
The art curriculum is cross-curricular and is closely linked to the children's wider learning, specifically to their classroom topic. It also draws on the environment, current affairs, as well as local history, geography and science links in order to develop the children's understanding of the world around them. The Art curriculum is also inspired by music, cuisine and belief systems.
Each lesson builds upon the last, to demonstrate a pattern of enquiry. Children begin their work with research and recording of ideas on a theme; they then experiment with materials and design ideas to create their work, which is then self and peer evaluated.
Please watch our exciting entry of Year 3 making their chosen Habitat of the World, Hydrothermal Vents.