
Mathematics is all around us; it is an important part of the world in which we live and to function in society we need to be able to think and communicate mathematically.

At Heber, we believe that it is our responsibility to find the right path to success for every student, so that they become passionate, resilient, creative and confident mathematicians. Building a solid understanding of the foundations of Maths is essential to building skill in problem solving both within and beyond the mathematical world. We believe that encouraging children to be mathematically observant helps children to form their own generalisations, and that this should be achieved by providing children with the correct mathematical language so they can express their reasoning clearly.

The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time. They should develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. This is an in which we strongly value the support of parents and carers and includes skills such as times tables, number bonds, and calculation for the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).
  • Reason mathematically by following a line of inquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
  • Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

At Heber we follow the White Rose Scheme of Learning, which provides a termly plan for each year group from Year 1 to Year 6. Each term is split into twelve weeks. In addition to the yearly overviews below, children access a weekly fluency lesson. We supplement our curriculum with resources from the NCETM's Curriculum Prioritisation Materials.

Concepts are taught using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations (see here) in order to deepen conceptual understanding, before moving onto new concepts. Teachers respond astutely to children’s needs in lessons by addressing misconceptions at the point of learning and providing children with opportunities to take their learning further, including outside of the lesson time itself. This ensures progress for all children is optimised, irrespective of their starting point. Opportunities to reason (talk about) maths are essential in consolidating children's conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts, and we greatly promote children’s use of accurate mathematical vocabulary.

Under the guidance of the teacher, children in years 2-6 take ownership of their learning by choosing either to embed their understanding of a concept where needed, or deepen their understanding with challenging problem solving and reasoning tasks at all levels. This is reflected through their choice of bronze, silver or gold maths tasks. In Year 1, children access learning through a progressive task for all students in order to foster independence in learning at this young age. Further challenges that require the children to reason and problem solve are also used to ensure all children have opportunities to deepen their understanding irrespective of their ability in mathematics.

In order to achieve our intent, we regularly revisit number and calculation skills in weekly fluency lessons, and where relevant, as warm ups in Maths lessons. This enables children to embed long term learning of each year group’s arithmetic expectations (see here). Alongside this approach, we have developed a rich mathematical mastery curriculum that is accessible to everyone, but at the same time insists on challenge for all. This ensures students build their fluency, revisiting the fundamentals of mathematics throughout the year, in order to positively affect their success in other areas of mathematics.

Our calculation policy for the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) can be found here. This outlines the methods that children use in school to effectively and efficiently solve calculations. You can use this document to help you support your child at home!

One of the National Curriculum aims is that all children: become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.

Fluency consists of three elements: efficiency, accuracy and flexibility. Fluency demands more of students than memorising a single procedure - they need to understand why they are doing what they are doing and know when it is appropriate to use different methods. Our fluency expectations for each year group can be found here.

Accurate mathematical vocabulary is an essential tool that supports children's understanding of mathematical concepts and their ability to reason about them. Once embedded, using such vocabulary can free up working memory space in order for children to reason more freely about their mathematical thinking. When learning about the four operations, we encourage the us of the following vocabulary:




Mathletics is a powerful learning resource which, when used regularly, has a significant impact on every child’s progress and attainment. Your child has access to Mathletics at home and school through a unique username and password which is given to them by their class teacher. The class teacher can set activities to support home learning that your child can complete online using a computer or tablet. These activities are directly linked to the maths learning in class and should be completed with the aid of writing equipment in order for children to calculate answers if needed.

Times Tables Rockstars

This online learning platform for times tables is a favourite with the children! Children are provided with unique log in details and can customise their rock avatar before using online games, printables and interactive tools to deepen their conceptual understanding of times tables and develop quick recall of times table facts. The times tables questions each child is presented with can be customised in order to give our children the best chance of making progress in this area of fluency. 


Numbots is a highly engaging platform for learning to add and subtract. It is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.

Teachers make regular use of assessment within lessons in order to inform each child’s pathway through a lesson, reacting to needs and facilitating progress. The result of this is continual progress for all. 

Because all children learn differently and progress at varying rates throughout their time in school, we also make use of summative assessments (end of unit or end of term assessments). These assessments help us to identify children whose progress may have begun to plateau. We then make use of consultation with the pupil's teacher, as well as a deeper analysis of their learning to date in order to inform narrowly focused and impactful interventions that keep children from falling behind.

Children undergo half termly times tables assessments from Year 2, at the point which the tables are introduced through our curriculum. This prepares children for their statutory times tables assessment in Year 4, and is used to inform teaching of the tables moving forward. Progress is celebrated and recorded internally at the school.