Diversity at Heber

Diverse Curriculum Content

In line with our goal to embed Black, Asian and Minority Ethic content into our curriculum, subject leads have mapped out where ethnically diverse history, places, people and events appear in our curriculum. This will ensure regular coverage of diverse content relevant to children growing up in London. This allows each and every one of our pupils to see themselves in our curriculum. The Diversity Curriculum map can be found here.

In addition to the above, we have recently reviewed the texts we use to teach English. Follow the links below to see the texts for each year group that feature ethnically diverse authors, protagonists or culture:


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6 

Teaching Children about Racism

It is our aim that all children have regular opportunities to engage in open conversations about race, racism, and racial inequality during their time at Heber. In addition to this we aim to equip all children with the tools necessary to contribute successfully to a world where racism can be a thing of the past. Through our PSHE curriculum, children learn about tolerance, diversity, respect and prejudice. Furthermore, we directly address racism and unconscious racial bias through carefully pitched lessons designed to increase children's awareness of their role in driving towards equality for all. As a result of these aims, our PSHE lead has compiled an Anti-Racism Journey , which maps children's learning about anti-racism from years 1 to 6.